School Board Duties and Responsibilities
Maine state law charges school boards with the responsibility to “manage the schools.” This is done essentially by selecting a Superintendent and providing him/her with authority and direction. It is not the duty of the Board to operate the schools but to see that they are well operated. The Board concerns itself primarily with broad questions of policy rather than with administrative details. The application of policies is an administrative task to be performed by the Superintendent and his staff, who shall be held responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the entire school system. Members of the Board have authority only when acting as a Board legally in session. The Board shall not be bound in any way by an action or statement of an individual member except when such statement or action is in pursuance of specific instructions from the Board.
Board Meetings
The MSAD#42 Board of Directors meets at 7:00 P .M. on dates set in the yearly calendar, in the Board Room in the Superintendent’s Office. When large audiences are present, the Board moves to the all-purpose room at Central Aroostook Jr/Sr High School. Agendas are prepared by the Superintendent and Board Chair. They are published at least four workdays in advance of each meeting, and are posted in the Superintendent’s office and in each school, and at the town offices of member towns.
Standard Board Agenda
- Call to order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Public Participation
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Financial Statement
- Bills and Warrants signed to date
- Principal’s Reports
- Athletic Administrator’s Report
- Old Business
- New Business
- Superintendent’s Report
- Communications
- Announcements
- Adjournment
Executive Sessions
In accordance with the Freedom of Access (“Right-to-Know”) law, Board Meetings are held in public. The Board may go into private or executive sessions, upon vote of 3/5 of the members present and voting, for consideration of certain matters specified in law (such as personnel, student suspension/expulsion, contracts to be negotiated, collective bargaining, legal advice or pending litigation). No final action may be taken in executive sessions.
Public Participation Policy
Meetings of the Board are public in the sense that they are held in public. This does not mean they are public meetings in the same sense as a “town meeting.” There is no statutory requirement in Maine that the public be permitted to speak at board meetings. However, we welcome comments and concerns related to the matters under consideration by the Board, within the guidelines set forth in Board policy BDDH–PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT BOARD MEETINGS. In order to assure that persons who wish to appear before the Board may be heard and, at the same time, conduct its meetings properly and efficiently, the Board adopts as policy the following procedures and rules pertaining to public participation at Board Meetings:
- The Board shall provide time at each of its meetings for persons wishing to speak before it, either as an individual or as a member of a group. The scheduling of the public section of the meeting shall be left to the discretion of the Chairman. However, whenever possible in the meeting, the Board suggests that individuals wishing to speak on a topic advise the Superintendent prior to the meeting so that time may be allowed for all remarks and information regarding the matter to be on hand.
- Any individual desiring to speak shall give his or her name, address, and the group, if any, that is represented.
- The presentation should be as brief as possible. Unless an extension of time is granted, a speaker shall be limited to five minutes.
- Speakers may offer such objective criticisms of school operations and programs as concern them. But in public session, the Board will not hear personal complaints of school personnel nor against any person connected with the school system. Other channels provide for Board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.
The Board vests in its Chairman authority to terminate the remarks of any individual when they do not adhere to the rules established above. Persons appearing before the Board are reminded, as a point of information that members of the Board are without authority to act independently as individuals in official matters. Thus, questions may be directed to individual Board Members, but answers must be deferred pending consideration by the full Board.
Affirmative Action/Nondiscrimination
It is the policy of this school system not to discriminate in educational programs, activities or employment practices on the basis of race, national origin, religion, sex, age or handicapping conditions under the provisions of Title VI and IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with Disability Education Act of 1990, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The Affirmative Action Plan, as approved by the Board and submitted to the Commissioner of Education, is on file in the Superintendent’s Office. The Affirmative Action Officer is Superintendent – Elaine Boulier.
School Board Member |
Email Address |
Town Represents |
Term Expires |
Jason Woollard |
Mars Hill |
2026 |
Fred Boyd Chairman |
Mars Hill |
2024 |
Troy Grass |
Mars Hill |
2025 |
Brian Cumming |
Mars Hill |
2026 |
Ryan Kilcollins |
Mars Hill |
2024 |
Darcy Haines |
Blaine |
2024 |
Loni Giberson |
Blaine |
2025 |
Steve Robinson |
Blaine |
2026 |